Tuesday, December 22, 2009

ColdFusion ORM Frameworks Now in in Adobe ColdFusion 9

Object-Relational Mapping (or ORM), is a programming technique that links databases to object-oriented language concepts, creating (in effect) a “virtual object database.” There are both free and commercial packages available that perform object-relational mapping, although some programmers opt to code their own object-relational mapping for their systems.

In object-oriented programming, programming objects represent real-world objects. To illustrate, consider the example of an address book, which contains listings of people along with zero or more phone numbers and zero or more addresses. In object-oriented terms this would be represented by a “person object” with “slots” (fields, members, instance variables etc.) to hold the data that make up this listing: the person’s name, a list (or array) of phone numbers, and a list of addresses.

The crux of the problem is in translating those objects to forms which can be stored in files or databases, and which can later be retrieved easily while preserving the properties of the objects and their relationships; these objects can then be said to be persistent.

Object-Relational systems attempt to solve this problem by providing libraries of classes which are able to do this mapping automatically. Given a list of tables in the database, and objects in the program, they will automatically map requests from one to the other. Asking a person object for its phone numbers will result in the proper query being created and sent, and the results being “magically” translated directly into phone number objects inside the program.

From a programmer’s perspective, the system looks like a persistent object store. One can create objects and work with them as one would normally, and they automatically end up in the relational database.

A number of ORM frameworks have been created for ColdFusion:


Reactor, created by Doug Hughes of Alagad fame, is a very simple API for ColdFusion which generates and instantiates database abstraction CFCs on the fly as needed.



Active Record Factory (Arf!) is a Rails-style ActiveRecord implementation in ColdFusion.

Below is a list of the basics that Arf! provides:

  • JDBC metadata based reflection: not database specific
  • Creates ActiveRecord API‘d instances out of CFCs that extend a base ActiveRecord component
  • Implements hasMany() and belongsTo() methods for establishing Record properties that point to other tables
  • Allows for overloading any of the automagically generated methods to add custom business logic
  • Automagic methods on Records include GetInstance(), Create(), Read(), Update(), Delete(), Save() [smart create/update], List(orderBy, whereClause), Validate() [does type and length checking], and SetNNN()/GetNNN() methods for each DB column



Developed by Nicholas Tunney, objectBreeze is an ORM tool that allows you to interact with your data persistence layer and easily model objects within your ColdFusion applications. With no setup, objectBreeze will instantly create objects directly from your database schema. objectBreeze requires that your table has -a- primary key defined. Currently, objectBreeze works with Microsoft SQL, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL, but other versions are on the way.



Batch generation of your data layer objects in minutes.



Transfer was built out of a need to speed up the development process that is normally slowed down by the development of Business Objects and Data Access Objects.

Transfer does this through a series of methods, including SQL generation and CFML code generation, that all occur during the run-time process.

All this is configured through a XML file, that maps your object generation back to the tables and columns in your database.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ColdFusion Training syllabus

ColdFusion Training syllabus

1. Introduction and Installation

Time: 2 hours

This course provides an introduction to the interface and the new features of ColdFusion MX, as well as how to install and set up ColdFusion Server.


  • Describe ColdFusion MX
  • Describe ColdFusion tag and function syntax
  • Demonstrate ColdFusion code
  • Install and set up a ColdFusion development environment
  • Use the ColdFusion Administrator application
  • Register datasources


  • Introducing ColdFusion MX
  • New in ColdFusion MX
  • Getting started with ColdFusion
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Installing ColdFusion MX Server
  • Configuring ColdFusion Administrator
  • Data and Services settings
  • Debugging and Logging Settings

2. Talking With the Database

Time: 3 hours

This course introduces the two basic ColdFusion tags used to query a database and display results. The user learns to use CFQUERY to perform queries and CFOUTPUT to display the results on a Web page. The user also learns to use standard SQL to perform basic database operations.


  • Establish a connection between a Web server and database
  • Write SQL statements to select, insert, update, and delete information
  • Use CFQUERY tags to send and receive database information
  • Use CFOUTPUT tags to display database information
  • Use advanced ColdFusion functions to create new queries and query the results of previous queries


  • Making database connections
  • Defining and organizing tables
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Adding and deleting data
  • Using SQL joins
  • Grouping and aggregating results
  • Getting data to and from your database
  • Constructing queries
  • Outputting your data
  • Grouping the data
  • Getting the most from your queries
  • Manipulating data
  • Queries without a database
  • Queries of queries

3. Displaying Data

Time: 3 hours

This course provides an overview of form basics, validating form data, and submitting the form and saving the data. It also includes information on building dynamic pages by using query results to create charts and graphs.


  • Create a form
  • Validate form data
  • Submit a form
  • Display data dynamically
  • Create charts and graphs


  • Creating a form
  • Using form elements
  • Validating data
  • Required fields
  • Submitting the form
  • Displaying dynamic data
  • Building dynamic pages
  • Creating charts and graphs
  • Dynamic graphing
  • Standard and drill-down charts

4. Programming and Application Framework

Time: 3 hours

This course covers programming elements including variable scoping and flow-control statements, which are key to building useful ColdFusion applications.


  • Scope and lock variables
  • Use the flow control statements CFIF, CFSWITCH, and CFLOOP
  • Link pages using the application framework
  • Track users using Client and Session variables


  • Understanding CF variables
  • Setting variables with CFSET
  • Variable scope
  • Basics of program flow
  • Looping
  • Manipulating the page
  • A dynamic example
  • The application framework
  • Application.cfm and OnRequestEnd.cfm
  • Variables for applications
  • Tracking users within sessions
  • Tracking users across sessions
  • Locking variables
  • CF development frameworks

5. Custom Tags and Building Blocks

Time: 3 hours

This course explains how to use ColdFusion custom tags and how to build custom tags. It introduces ColdFusion Components, built-in functions, and user-defined functions.


  • Describe how custom tags work in ColdFusion MX
  • Create and modify custom tags
  • Build ColdFusion components
  • Identify built-in functions and describe their uses
  • Use CFSCRIPT to enhance your code
  • Create your own user-defined functions


  • Working with custom tags
  • Finding and installing custom tags
  • Using custom tags
  • Creating custom tags
  • Custom tag scope
  • ColdFusion components
  • Using ColdFusion components
  • Built-in functions
  • Using CFSCRIPT
  • User-defined functions
  • Creating user-defined functions

6. Using E-mail, Complex Data Types, and FTP

Time: 4 hours

This course provides information on integrating e-mail into ColdFusion applications, using complex data types such as lists, arrays and structures, and managing directories and files using FTP.


  • Use ColdFusion to send and receive e-mail and attachments
  • Describe the use of complex data types, and the functions that support these data types
  • Work with files and directories on a Web server
  • Allow users to upload files to a Web server
  • Manipulate files and directories on an FTP server


  • Sending e-mail
  • Reading e-mail
  • Complex data types
  • Lists
  • Arrays
  • Structures
  • Web Distributed Data Exchange (WDDX)
  • Manipulating files
  • Uploading and moving files
  • Managing directories
  • Using FTP
  • Uploading and downloading

7. Securing, Debugging, and Improving Application Performance

Time: 3 hours

This course provides information on securing your ColdFusion environment, isolating bugs and using built-in debugging tools, and improving the performance of your ColdFusion applications.


  • Secure the ColdFusion environment
  • Build secure applications
  • Isolate bugs and use built-in debugging tools
  • Create scalable applications
  • Optimize database queries
  • Use stored procedures


  • Security basics
  • Securing the ColdFusion environment
  • User security
  • Building secure applications
  • Understanding debugging
  • Isolating bugs
  • Built-in debugging
  • Handling errors
  • Creating scalable applications
  • Configuring caching
  • Optimizing database queries
  • Using stored procedures

8. Ajax scripts

Time: 3 hours

This course provides information on access your ColdFusion environment from client side, Getting knowledge of client and server side management.


  • Build Ajax applications
  • Ajax with JQuery and engine
  • Httprequest description
  • Optimize database queries with ajax
  • Use stored procedures from ajax


  • Ajax basics
  • Client Securing in the ColdFusion environment
  • Ajax with Java Scripts
  • Building secure applications with JS
  • Understanding Work Flow
  • Handling errors
  • Creating scalable applications

9. Using Flash, Java, and XML

Time: 3 hours

This course explains how to integrate ColdFusion with Flash, Java, and XML to create robust applications.


  • Use Flash with ColdFusion MX
  • Use JSP custom tag libraries with ColdFusion MX
  • Integrate JSP, servlets, and ColdFusion MX
  • Use Java objects with ColdFusion MX
  • Use XML with ColdFusion MX


  • ColdFusion and Flash fundamentals
  • Communicating between Flash and ColdFusion
  • Putting a Flash application together
  • Integrating Java with ColdFusion
  • Setting up a JSP tag library
  • Mixing JSP, servlets, and ColdFusion
  • Manipulating Java objects
  • Using JavaBeans
  • Understanding XML
  • Working with XML
  • Creating an XML document
  • Transforming data with XSLT

10. Integration and Understanding Fusebox

Time: 2 hours

This course provides you with information on integrating your ColdFusion applications with other applications, designing better applications with the Fusebox framework, and using FLiP to streamline your design methodology.


  • Integrate ColdFusion applications with other applications
  • Create a Web service
  • Create an application framework using Fusebox


  • Web application integration options
  • Scraping the Web with CFHTTP
  • Building a simple agent
  • Building Web services
  • Building better applications
  • The case for Fusebox
  • How Fusebox works
  • Managing settings
  • Building a Fusebox application

11. Functions, Tags, and Resources

Time: 2 hours

This course covers the wide variety of ColdFusion tags, functions, and resources, including ten different categories of functions, a dozen new tags, and the ample assortment of ColdFusion resource sites.


  • List and describe ten categories of ColdFusion functions
  • List and describe a variety of commonly-used ColdFusion tags
  • Access and use a variety of ColdFusion resource sites on the Web


  • Functions
  • Tags
  • Resources

12. WSDL

Time: 3 hours

This course covers the WSDL functionality and using it, including calling from different server.


  • List and describe ten categories of wsdl functions
  • List and describe a wsdl functions.
  • Access and use of wsdl on the Web


  • Functions
  • Tags
  • Resources
  • Using

13. Live Project

Time : 3 Days

14. All Interview Related Questions and Answers

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Learn coldfusion and get coldfusion project

Hi All,

It's pleasure to invite you as a Coldfusion learner and get a project free with tutorials and all related queries and soled papper.
get prepared for certifications and other exams.

For more details
Please Contact
Kalyan Dhar
Location : Kolkata

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How do we restart coldfusion server from command prompt ?

How do we restart coldfusion server from command prompt?
Restart in Unix/Linux:

1. /etc/init.d/coldfusion restart
2. /opt/coldfusionmx/bin/coldfusion restart
3. service coldfusion restart
4. /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx restart
Restart in Windows:
There is no direct restart service command available in windows.
we have to use stop & start commands.
net stop "ColdFusion MX Application Server"
net start "ColdFusion MX Application Server"

Common service names for varies CF versions
"ColdFusion MX ODBC Agent"
"ColdFusion MX ODBC Server"

"ColdFusion 8 Application Server"
"ColdFusion 8 ODBC Agent"
"ColdFusion 8 ODBC Server"
"ColdFusion 8 Search Server"

"ColdFusion Centaur .NET Service"
"ColdFusion Centaur Application Server"
"ColdFusion Centaur ODBC Agent"
"ColdFusion Centaur ODBC Server"
"ColdFusion Centaur Search Server"
"ColdFusion Centaur Solr Service"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Get last date of a month with SQL or Js( javascript )

I think SQL does a pretty good job with dates. Here is a very simple way to get the last day of any month. The example retreaves the last day of the current month.


Replace the GETDATE() with whatever date you need to find the last day of the month in.

We can write a simple function also in javascript to get last date of that month.

This function is useful for populating a client side last date operations

function daysInMonth(month,year)

{ var m = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; if (month != 2) return m[month - 1]; if (year%4 != 0) return m[1]; if (year%100 == 0 && year%400 != 0) return m[1]; return m[1] + 1; }

ColdFusion Returns UPPER CASE Struct Variables to Flex 3

If you have ever tried to return struct to Flex 3 from ColdFusion you may have run into this problem. If you use dot (.) notation to define your struct variable, the variable will get passed in UPPER CASE. This causes problems because Flex 3 and actionscript are case sensitive. Not knowing this little fact may cause you to bang your head on some walls.

Here is an example and a couple solutions:

{tag}cfset var myArray = ArrayNew(1){tag}
{tag}cfset var stItm = StructNew(){tag}

{tag}cfset stItm.upper = "test"{tag}
{tag}cfset stItm.lower = "test2"{tag}

{tag}cfset arrayAppend(myArray, stItm){tag}

The above code will return both the struct items in upper case to flex 3. IE (UPPPER = test, LOWER = test2)

{tag}cfset var myArray = ArrayNew(1){tag}
{tag}cfset var stItm = StructNew(){tag}

{tag}cfset stItm["UPPER"] = "test"{tag}
{tag}cfset stItm["lower"] = "test2"{tag}

{tag}cfset arrayAppend(myArray, stItm){tag}

Using the brackets "[ ]" to define your struct variables will return the variables to flex in the proper case. IE (UPPPER = test, lower= test2 ).

If you must use dot (.) notation for what ever reason you are still in luck with a little motification of the remoting-config.xml which is normally located by default here (C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\flex). Inside the file all you need to do is locate the {tag}property-case{tag} tag inside the proper {tag}destination{tag} (default is {tag}destination id="ColdFusion"{tag}) and modify the properties within. I have highlighted below the code to modify.

Hope this helps someone out there.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Asynchronous ( Multi Threaded ) Application

ColdFusion MX7 introduced the ability to asynchronously spawn ColdFusion requests using an event gateway. While many take advantage of this capability, it has some significant limitations, the biggest of which is that threads can only be spawned, there is no way to monitor spawned threads or wait for them to finish. (The other limitation is that the functionality is only available in ColdFusion Enterprise).

ColdFusion Scorpio provides far more sophisticated multi-threading capabilities via the new {tag}CFTHREAD{tag} tag. This tag is used to perform several actions:

  • JOIN causes the current thread to wait until one or more specified threads have finished processing.
  • RUN creates a new thread which starts processing immediately.
  • SLEEP makes another thread pause for a specified number of milliseconds.
  • TERMINATE kills another thread.

There are lots of use cases for this new functionality, but at a minimum there are two primary usage scenarios:

  • Many requests process user submissions, for example, a user uploaded file. The way most ColdFusion applications work today is that the file is processed on the server (parsing it, converting it, saving it, etc.) while the user waits. But in truth, there is no reason users should have to wait for your application to finish its processing. A better user experience would be to receive the file in the action page, spawn a new thread to actually process it, and return control back to the user instantly. This creates a far more responsive user experience.
  • Applications often have to perform multiple operations (perhaps updating database rows, writing log entries, generating an e-mail, firing server-side HTTP requests, and more). Most ColdFusion applications perform these tasks sequentially, one after the other, and then returning to the user when complete. But if the various operations are not actually dependent on each other, you could spawn a thread for each, having them execute concurrently, and if necessary waiting until they are complete to continue processing. The result is a faster application, as multiple operations are being performed concurrently.

The code to spawn a thread is very simple:

{tag}!--- Use a separate thread to perform file processing ---{tag}
{tag}cfthread action="run" name="threadFile" file="#myFile#"{tag}
{tag}cffile file="#ATTRIBUTES.file#" ...{tag}

Here a thread named 'threadFile' is spawned. An argument (the file to be processed) is passed to {tag}CFTHREAD{tag}, and so that attribute is available within the thread in the ATTRIBUTES scope.

Within threads there are several important scopes. Any locally defined variables are implicitly thread local. THREAD is a special scope (a sub-scope of VARIABLES) that is available to all threads spawned by a single parent. ATTRIBUTES is used to access any variables passed as attributes to {tag}CFTHREAD{tag}.

The previous example spawns a thread that could continue processing long after the parent page terminates. If you needed to wait for a thread to complete you could use the following code:

{tag}cfthread action="join" name="threadFile"{tag}

JOIN is used to wait for one or more threads to complete, and multiple thread names may be specified (as may a timeout value).

Once defined, the thread name can be accessed as a structure which exposes the following members:

  • ELPASEDTIME is the amount of time since the thread was spawned.
  • ERROR contains any error messages generated by the code in the spawned thread.
  • NAME is the thread name.
  • OUTPUT contains any generated output. This output will not be sent to the client, but parent page code can access the output which can then be used as needed.
  • PRIORITY is the thread priority level (HIGH, LOW, NORMAL).
  • STARTIME is the time the thread started.

So, to check that threads executed properly without errors, you could JOIN the threads, and then check STATUS to see if they completed. A status of TERMINATED means an error occurred (or that threads were explicitly terminated) in which case ERROR would provide details as to what happened.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Journey of coldfusion

ColdFusion is a commercial, rapid application development
platform invented by Jeremy and JJ Allaire. The product made its debut around 1995,
leading the way for similar products from Microsoft and another from the open source
community named Bluefish. The major difference between ColdFusion and the other
WYSIWYG development tools of the time was ColdFusion's ability to interface with
a database. This enabled people who would likely have trouble creating a dynamic
website to create a dynamic site with remarkable ease.


One of the distinguishing features of ColdFusion is its associated scripting language,ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), which compares to the scripting components of ASP, JSP, and PHP in purpose and features, but more closely resembles HTML in syntax. "ColdFusion" is often used synonymously with "CFML", but there are additional CFML application servers besides ColdFusion, and ColdFusion supports programming languages other than CFML, such as server-side Actionscript and embedded scripts that can be written in a JavaScript-like language known asCFScript.

Originally a product of Allaire and released in July 1995, ColdFusion was developed by brothers Joseph JJ and Jeremy Allaire. In 2001 Allaire was acquired by Macromedia, who in turn were acquired by Adobe System Inc in 2005.

ColdFusion is most often used for data-driven web sites or intranets, but can also be used to generate remote services such as SOAPweb services or Flash remoting. It is especially well-suited as the server-side technology to the client-side Flex.

ColdFusion can also handle asynchronous events such as SMS and Massaging via its gateway interface, available in ColdFusion MX 7 Enterprise Edition.

Main features

ColdFusion provides a number of additional features out of the box. Among them:

  • Simplified database access
  • Client and server cache management
  • Client-side code generation, especially for form widgets and validation
  • Conversion from HTML to PDF and FlashPaper

  • Data retrieval from common enterprise systems such as  Active Directory, LDAP,
    SMTP, POP, HTTP, FTP, Microsoft Exchange Server and common data formats such as RSS and Atom

  • File indexing and searching service based on Verity K2

  • Gui administration
  • Server, application, client, session, and request scopes
  • XML parsing, querying (XPath), validation and transformation (XSLT)

  • Server clustering

  • Task scheduling
  • Graphing and reporting
  • Simplified file manipulation including raster graphics (and CAPTCHA) and zip archives (introduction of video manipulation is planned in a future release)

  • Simplified web service implementation (with automated WSDL generation / transparent SOAP handling for both creating and consuming services - as an example, ASP.NET has no native equivalent for )

Other implementations of CFML offer similar or enhanced functionality, such as running in a .NET environment or image manipulation.

The engine was written in C and featured, among other things, a built-in scripting language (CFScript), plugin modules written in Java, and a syntax very similar to HTML. The equivalent to an HTML element, a ColdFusion tag begins with the letters "CF" followed by a name that is inidicative of what the tag is interpreted to, in HTML. E.g. to begin the output of variables or other content.

In addition to CFScript and plugins (as described), CFStudio provided a design platform with a WYSIWYG display. In addition to ColdFusion, CFSTudio also supports syntax in other languages popular for backend programming, such as Perl. In addition to making backend functionality easily available to the non-programmer, (version 4.0 and forward in particular) integrated easily with the Apache Web Server and with Internet Information Server.

Other features

The first version of ColdFusion (then called Cold Fusion) was released on July 10, 1995. This first version was written almost entirely by one person, Joseph JJ Allaire. Primitive by modern standards, early versions of ColdFusion did little more than database access.

All versions of ColdFusion prior to 6.0 were written using Microsoft VC++. This meant that ColdFusion was largely limited to running on Microsoft windows. although Allaire did successfully port ColdFusion to Sun Solaries starting with version 3.1.

For reasons that may have been tied to lackluster sales the company was sold to Macromedia, then to Adobe. Earlier versions were not as robust as the versions available from version 4.0 forward.

With the release of ColdFusion MX 6.0, the engine had been re-written in Java and supported its own runtime environment, which was easily replaced through its configuration options with the runtime environment from Sun. Version 6.1 included the ability to code and debug Shockwave Flash.


  • 1995 : Allaire Cold Fusion version 1.0
  • 1996 : Allaire Cold Fusion version 1.5
  • 1996 : Allaire Cold Fusion version 2.0
  • 1997-Jun : Allaire Cold Fusion version 3.0
  • 1998-Jan : Allaire Cold Fusion version 3.1
  • 1998-Nov : Allaire ColdFusion version 4.0 (space eliminated between Cold and Fusion to make it ColdFusion)
  • 1999-Nov : Allaire ColdFusion version 4.5
  • 2001-Jun : Macromedia ColdFusion version 5.0
  • 2002-May : Macromedia ColdFusion MX version 6.0 (build 6,0,0,48097), Updater 1 (build 6,0,0,52311), Updater 2 (build 6,0,0,55693), Updater 3 (build 6,0,0,58500)
  • 2003-Jul : Macromedia ColdFusion MX version 6.1 (build 6,1,0,63958), Updater 1 (build 6,1,0,83762)
  • 2005 : Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 (build 7,0,0,91690), 7.0.1 (build 7,0,1,116466), 7.0.2 (build 7,0,2,142559)
  • 2007-Jul-30 : Adobe ColdFusion 8 (build 8,0,0,176276)
  • 2008-Apr-04 : Adobe ColdFusion 8.0.1 (build 8,0,1,195765)


ColdFusion MX

Prior to 2000, Allaire began a project codenamed "Neo". This project was later revealed as a ColdFusion Server re-written completely using java. This made portability easier and provided a layer of security on the server, because it ran inside a Java Runtime Environment. Senior software engineer Damon Cooper, still with Adobe, was the major initiator of the Java move.

On January 16, 2001, Allaire announced a pending merger with Macromedia. Macromedia continued its development and released the product under the name ColdFusion 5.0. It retained the name "ColdFusion" through the remainder of version 5 releases. In June 2002 Macromedia released the product under a slightly different name, allowing the product to be associated with the Macromedia brand, as well as the brand that the Allaire brothers had given it, originally: ColdFusion MX (6.0). ColdFusion MX was completely rebuilt from the ground up and was based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform. ColdFusion MX was also designed to integrate well with Macromedia Flash using Flash Remoting.
With the release of ColdFusion MX, the CFML language API was released with an OOP interface.

MX 7

With the release of ColdFusion 7.0 on February 7, 2005, the naming convention was amended, rendering the product name "Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7". CFMX 7 added Flash-based, and XForms-based, web forms and a report builder that output in Adobe PDF as well
as FlashPaper, RTF and Excel. The Adobe PDF output is also available as a wrapper to any HTML page, converting that page to a quality printable document. The enterprise edition also added Gateways. These provide interaction with non-HTTP request services such as IM Services, SMS, Directory Watchers, and an asynchronous execution. XML support was boosted in this version to include native schema checking.

ColdFusion MX 7.0.2, codenamed "Mystic" includes advanced features for working with Adobe Flex 2.

Adobe ColdFusion 8

On July 30, 2007, Adobe Systems released ColdFusion 8, dropping "MX" from its name. During beta testing the codename used was "Scorpio" (the eighth sign of the zodiac and the eighth iteration of ColdFusion as a commercial product). More than 14,000 developers worldwide were active in the beta process - many more testers than the 5,000 Adobe Systems originally expected. The ColdFusion development team consisted of developers based in Newton/Boston, Massachusetts and Bangalore, India. Some of the new features are the CFPDFFORM tag, which enables integration with Adobe Acrobat
forms, some image manipulation functions, Microsoft .NET integration, and the CFPRESENTATION tag, which allows the creation of dynamic presentations using Adobe Acrobat Connect,
the Web-based collaboration solution formerly known as Macromedia Breeze. In addition, the ColdFusion Administrator for the Enterprise version ships with built-in server monitoring.

ColdFusion 8 is available on several operating systems including Linux, Mac OS X
and Windows Server 2003. Other additions to ColdFusion 8 are built-in AJAX widgets, file archive manipulation (CFZIP), Microsoft Exchange server integration (CFEXCHANGE), image manipulation including automatic captcha generation (CFIMAGE), multi-threading, per-application settings, Atom and RSS feeds, reporting enhancements, stronger encryption libraries, array and structure improvements, improved database interaction, extensive performance improvements, PDF manipulation and merging capabilities (CFPDF), interactive debugging, embedded database support with Apache Derby, and a more ECMAScript compliant CFSCRIPT.

For development of ColdFusion applications, several tools are available: primarily Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Macromedia HomeSite 5.x, CFEclipse, Eclipse and others. "Tag updaters" are available for these applications to update their support for the new ColdFusion 8 features .

Adobe ColdFusion 9

Adobe is currently working on ColdFusion 9 (Codename: Centaur). It is currently in the public beta stage. There is no release date set, but the list of potential new features include:

  • Ability to code User Defined Functions (UDFs) and ColdFusion Components (CFC's) entirely in CFScript.
  • An explicit "local" scope that does not require local variables to be declared at the top of the function.
  • Implicit getters/setters for CFC.
  • Implicit constructors via method called "init" or method with same name as CFC.
  • New CFFinally tag for  Exception handling syntax and CFContinue tag for Control flow.

  • Object Related Mapping(ORM) Database integration through Hibernet(Java).

  • Server.cfc file with onServerStart and onServerEnd methods.
  • Tighter integration with Adobe AIR.
  • Integration with SharePoint including the document library.

Adobe ColdFusion Builder

Adobe ColdFusion Builder (codenamed "Bolt") is the name for Adobe’s new Eclipse based development IDE that can be used to build applications for ColdFusion. The codename Bolt is a reference to the original lightning icon for the product from the Allaire days.

Although still in development, some of the intended features for the tool include:

  • Object Relational Mapping auto-configuration
  • Application Code Generation
  • Server management
  • Easily extensible through the Eclipse framework
  • CFML, HTML, Javascript, and CSS Syntax Highlighting
  • Code assist for tags, functions, variables, and components
  • Code folding
  • Snippet creation and management
  • Outline viewing
  • RDS Explorer for files and databases
  • Line-level Debugging

Adobe is currently targeting the commercial release for some time in 2009.

Main Article wikipedia

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New features in Coldfusion 9 beta versions

New tags in ColdFusion 9

The following table briefly describes CFML tags added in class=SpellE>ColdFusion 9:

style='margin-left:1.25pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt;

CFML tag




c.html"> class=SpellE>cfcontinue



Returns processing to the top of a loop; used within a class=SpellE>cfloop tag.


0.html"> class=SpellE>cffileupload


management tags


class=MsoHyperlink> tags


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Displays a
dialog for uploading multiple files from the user's system.


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cffinally


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Exception handling tags


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Used inside
a cftry tag


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfimap


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Communications tags, style=''> style='color:blue'>Internet protocol tags


7.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Retrieves
and manages e-mails and folders in IMAP servers


7.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfmap


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Other tags


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Embeds a
Google map within a ColdFusion web page


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfmapitem


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Other tags


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Creates markers
on the map; a child tag of the cfmap tag


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfmediaplayer


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Other tags


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Creates an
in-built media player that can play FLV files


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfmessagebox


2.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Application framework tags


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Defines a
control for displaying pop-up messages


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfprogressbar


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Other tags


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Defines a
progress bar to indicate the progress of an activity


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfsharepoint


3.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Extensibility tags


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Invokes a class=SpellE>SharePoint action from ColdFusion


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>cfspreadsheet


7.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Extensibility tags


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>Manages
Excel spreadsheet files


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 




d.html">style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'>New Functions
in ColdFusion 9

style='margin-left:1.25pt;border:solid windowtext 1.0pt;


d.html"> class=SpellE>


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ArrayContains


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ArrayDelete


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ArrayFind


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>CacheGet


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>CacheGetAllIds


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


4.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


3.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>CachePut


5.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>CacheRemove


8.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


8.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>EntityDelete


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>EntityLoad


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>EntityReload


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>EntitySave


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>FileDelete


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>FileWriteLine


4.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>IsIPv6


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>IsNull


000.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Location


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ORMEvictEntity


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ORMFlush


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ORMGetSession


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ObjectSave


ff.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ObjectLoad


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


8.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


c.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


ff.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


c.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


7.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


6.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


a.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


f.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


e.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


0.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


7.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


5.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


4.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>SpreadsheetNew


b.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>
class=SpellE> style='color:blue'>SpreadsheetSetActiveSheet


000.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


fff.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


fff.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


3.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


2.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


1.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


9.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


d.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>ThreadJoin


00.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>


ff.html"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Throw


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> style='color:blue'>Trace


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> class=SpellE>


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>Writedump


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> style=''> class=SpellE>Writelog


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 


tml"> style='color:windowtext;text-decoration:none;'> 





