ColdFusion provides Admin API to work with admin settings. For example setClientStorage, Cookie Management, Datasource Management etc. In one of my old post, I already provide an example how to add/update/delete a DSN from a code base.This API is mainly used to install/Build an application in one request.
In today’s post we determine how to get session and application scope values.
Usage Scenario: For example we have 3 applications in one ColdFusion server and we set different session timeout values for each application. Now if a developer wants to get sessionTimeOut and MaxSessionTimeOut values of each application.
<cfset adminAPI = createObject(“component”, “CFIDE.adminapi.administrator”)>
<cfset adminAPI.login(“password1$”)><!– Add password of CFadmin —>
<cfset runtimeENV = createObject(“component”, “CFIDE.adminapi.runtime”)>
<cfset sessionDefaultTimeout = runtimeENV.getScopeProperty(“sessionScopeTimeout”)>
<cfset sessionMaxTimeout = runtimeENV.getScopeProperty(“sessionScopeMaxTimeout”)>
<cfset ApplicationMaxTimeout = runtimeENV.getScopeProperty(“ApplicationscopeTimeout”)>
Default timeout session: #sessionDefaultTimeout# <br>Max value is #sessionMaxTimeout#.
<br>ApplicationMaxTimeout #ApplicationMaxTimeout#
<cfdump var=”#cfcatch#”/>
Note: This adminAPI will fall in CF8 if application name have space in Application.cfm/Application.cfc