Friday, April 2, 2010

Some coldfusion Interview & certifications Questions

1. Suppose you are going to make one asynchronously communicating event gateway.

Which coldfusion attributes will you use? Please Explain? (Example will be Preferable )

2. We can build web application with only cfm files in coldfusion serer. Then Why cfc had introduced ? What is the basic need of cfc.

3. What is the difference between Web server and Application Server.

4. Can we have multiple “Application.cfm” file in an Application?

5. Suppose you don’t want to share source code what you have written but you are ready to share all the functionalities. Is there any facility which prevents viewing of source code?

6. When we will use “<cfintup type=” other than normal html “

7. How can you set the Session Management?

8. What are the different ways to access CFC?

9. What is the difference between HTMLEditFormat and HTMLCodeFormat?

10. What is CFFlush?

11. What is the difference between CFAbort and CFBreak and CFExit?

12. Versus SQL INSERT, State advantages and disadvantages.

13. How do you automate cached queries to update at an exact

time each day?

14. <cfsavecontent variable="cachedOutput">

I am going to count to 10!<p>

<cfloop index="loopOn" from="1" to="10">




Here What will be the Output in browser?

15. <cfquery name="myQry" datasource="myDatasource" cachedwithin="#createTimeSpan(0,0,0,-1)#">

select foo

from tblfoobar

order by bar desc

Here What is the meening of createTimeSpan(0,0,0,-1)? Will it gives you error message?

16. What is custom Tag?

17. What is UDF and how it differ from coldfusion component?

18. How to access posted form items?

19. How many types of looping coldfusion support?

20. <cfset var testStr = “”> can we set variable like this in CFM.

21. What kind of coldfusion errors are not handled with <cftry><cfcatch> Block?

22. How can you ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces in your variable?

23. Which scope will you use to track user’s IP Address?

24. <cfset Str=”1234@3476$4hj^&(mdw”/>
<cfloop from=”1” index=”i” to=”#Len(Str)#”>
<cfset str_display = Left(Left(Right(Str,i),i),1)/><cfset i=i+1/>

<cfoutput># str_display #cfoutput>

What will be the output?

25. IF update and insert needed in one action. For this scenario how will you roll back if 2nd one failed?

26. How can you make a form submit to itself without hardcoding the file name?

Which one is more secure? And why?
<cfquery name="QCheckUser" datasource="blahblah">



WHERE username = '#FORM.username#'

AND password = '#FORM.password#'


<cfquery name="QCheckUser" datasource="blahblah">



WHERE username = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#FORM.username#">

AND password = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#FORM.password#">


27. How do you add one extra column after selecting result set?

28. Is that possible to create more than three dimension array in CF?

29. How do you determine if a number is even or odd with coldfusion?

30. How do I end a session when the user closes their browser?

31. Explain the types of lock and purpose of using types.

32. How do you find a value in list,Array,struct?

33. How do you get the entire columns list from a result set?

34. How do you know when a user's session ends?

35. Is it possible to create two functions with same name under one component?

36. How do you output a query result set grouped by a specific field?How do I output a query result set grouped by a specific field?

37. How do you upload files into the server?

38. What is the difference between <cfinclude> and <cflocation>

39. Is DUMP possible under <cfscript>?

40. What is Ajax and why it is introduced?

41. What are the difference of Form post method and get method?

42. State example where you store data as session variable and as application variable.

43. How do you determine if an array position exists?

44. How do you validate date, number, email with coldfusion.

45. How do you stop users from clicking the submit button more than once with JS?

46. Is it possible to connect more than one database server at a time.

47. You have two dates/times you want to compare. How will you get max date?

48. How do you get all the struct value with using loop?

49. What is your favorite web-application language? Why? If not Coldfusion then compare both the language?

50. If you use under application.cfc . What will be "test" variable's scope?

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